Meadowmount School of Music Meadowmount School of Music Meadowmount School of Music


Meadowmount School of MusicIvan Galamian
“Meadowmount has a special spirit that is conducive to total concentration on excellence in musical performance.”

Meadowmount School of MusicJosef Gingold
“Meadowmount has been part of my life for a long time. Its great founder Ivan Galamian, who in my opinion was the greatest violin pedagogue of the century, created this magnificent institution which, like no other, has influenced string playing throughout the world. I am still, and always will be, part of this wonderful school.”

Meadowmount School of Music

Yo-Yo Ma
“In an ever-changing world, the effort and discipline needed to develop the necessary tools for artistic expression remain constant. Meadowmount continues to instill these values in its students.”

Meadowmount School of MusicArnold Steinhardt
“It was slave labor. It was terrible! You had to get up and practice all day long in an almost monk-like existence. We all moaned and groaned and vowed we’d never go back, but somehow we all loved it.”

Meadowmount School of MusicJaime Laredo
“I had three students attend Meadowmount last summer. They loved it and thrived! They are hooked on the Meadowmount School of Music and will return as often as possible. I couldn’t be happier or more appreciative of what Meadowmount has to offer my students.”

Meadowmount School of MusicIda Kavafian
“I was delighted to be with you and back at Meadowmount after so many years away. It was so special to see that some things have not changed at all and yet other things have changed a lot, and for the better. The wonderful level of playing and the stimulating exchanges we had together will stay with me for a long time. Stepping into Mr. G’s studio gave me the same chills I had as a 16 year old! Being in the concert hall again took me back to one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had, a recital by the incomparable Michael Rabin.”

Meadowmount School of MusicJoseph Silverstein
“My recent experience at Meadowmount included a wonderful collaboration with a number of students in performances of Vivaldi, Mozart and Mendelssohn. The artistic level of the student performances would be happily received in any concert hall. A most startling event was a brilliant performance of Ravel’s string quartet in which the players had memorized the finale! All of this is carried out in an atmosphere of great warmth.”

“Meadowmount, the legend of my student days, has made a wonderful adjustment to the needs of the new century. Mr. Galamian would be amazed and delighted. I’m certain!”

Meadowmount School of MusicJoshua Bell
“Some of the most incredible musical moments of my life were right in your area. I can’t even imagine how many things that are a part of me now are things that all began at Meadowmount.”

Meadowmount School of MusicJames Ehnes
“For more than 70 years, Meadowmount has been one of the most important and celebrated destinations for aspiring string players. My summers as a student at Meadowmount were, without question, a turning point in my musical development and among the happiest times of my life. I cannot think of a more inspiring place for young musicians to learn, grow, and explore their musical horizons.”

Meadowmount School of Music

Earl Carlyss
“The positive, upbeat, joyous, but hard-working atmosphere created by Mr. Galamian many years ago has not diminished a bit. The remarkably high level of your playing and quality musicianship was a great inspiration to both my wife and me.”

Meadowmount School of MusicLynn Harrell
“It was a trip of incredible memories for myself, because I was 15, 16 and 17 when I was last in these buildings. It reminded me how honorable it is to sit and practice to improve along side other young people who were as keen as I in perfecting our art. I was very touched to see how friendly everyone was and how happy in Meadowmount. This is, for sure, part of what music gives us.”

Meadowmount School of MusicKurt Sassmannshaus
“I’ve really tremendously enjoyed being here… It’s a place that is full of history in our profession. It’s fantastic! Mr. Galamian was a genius for coming up with it… the vision and the courage to build this school is remarkable. And what it has done for us in this profession… I look at all of you … I see a future concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic. I see a professor. I see soloists. I see string quartet players…

In 10 years, in 20 years, in 30 years – you will find each other again. So, all I’m saying is be nice to each other!”

Meadowmount School of MusicArthur Rose
“As kid I remember so well listening to Itzhak Perlman, Pinky Zukerman, Jaime Laredo, Lynn Harrell and so many others that I wondered how the talent of today would compare. I was astounded not only by the level of playing but the enthusiasm of both students and teachers. Meadowmount is a very special place.”

Meadowmount School of MusicRobyn Avalon
“As a guest faculty member as well as a parent, I have had a unique opportunity to experience Meadowmount from inside and out. As a parent, I have certainly seen technical growth in my son after each Meadowmount summer, but, more importantly, he has developed a deep connection to this community of like-minded, intense, eclectic young artists. It is like he has found his “tribe” – an experience which brings enormous joy to me as a parent.

As an Alexander Teacher, I have experienced students who bring a unique chemistry of deep dedication, a seemingly unending desire to discover the magic held in the details, and contagious joy and passion for their art. Meadowmount attracts students who are willing to ask more questions – to look again at what at first seems obvious and known. Through the Meadowmount experience, I have seen students learn both patience and persistence. The faculty is truly dedicated to creating an environment for growth, maturation, and discovery. There is a pervasive excitement that is in the air at Meadowmount – a feeling that you are standing at the crossroads of the past and the future of classical music.”

Meadowmount School of MusicTom Vignieri, From The Top
“The simple math has Meadowmount attracting a higher concentration of qualified kids than pretty much anywhere else we go. That’s saying something!”

Rami Solomonow, Chicago Chamber Musicians and Professor of Viola, DePaul University – “Sending my son, Ben, to Meadowmount for 5 years was the best thing I could have done for him and for his development as a young artist. I’m speaking as a parent and also as a professional musician. It was always a great pleasure to notice the huge development Ben had at the end of each summer as a young musician. This is to no surprise since Meadowmount offers the best summer program possible with the best teachers around. It is definitely a very inspiring and motivating summer program. Listening to some of the concerts, I was a witness to a very high level of solo and chamber music performances that exceed many summer music schools that I attended as a faculty member.

Annette Kim – “As a parent who’s had two boys attend Meadowmount for the past several years, I can honestly say that it is one of the highest quality camps for serious musicians in the country. My boys come back energized and even more passionate about their music after having spent significant time with the finest faculty and other young musicians from all over the world. I also appreciate the strict adherence to the on-campus policies which promote a respectful, safe and effective learning environment.

Christopher and Peng Durrenberger – “Our daughter attended Meadowmount School of Music over the past two summers. It is honestly the best place she could have gone to advance her violin skills technically and musically. The teachers, coaches and guest artists there create an atmosphere of inspired learning and mentorship. On top of this, she has had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with talented peers from the finest conservatories around the country and world. It is truly a fantastic training ground keeping up with the famed traditions of its storied past.

Christopher Durrenberger – “Dear Mr. Larsen,
Thank you for running such an inspiring and productive camp. I can’t even imagine the amount of time and commitment this demands of you. Isabelle (and so many others) benefit from their time spent there, and we are incredibly indebted to you.

Dr. Juna Bobby – “My son went to Meadowmount School of Music the summer of 2014. We had heard that it was intense and since he had just turned 14, we were concerned about the long hours of practice. After much discussion, he said he wanted to go and just to make sure, I had him personally drop the check in the mailbox. It turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences of his life. Not only did he make amazing friends and work with an incredible teacher, he learned how to teach himself. We’ve noticed an incredible change in his practice, performance, and general confidence in life! At his first lesson of the year at Juilliard Pre-College, his teacher commented on how his playing had matured.”
“As a parent, witnessing the surprising amount of love and support the kids gave to one another was truly wonderful.

Edmilson Souza – “Meadowmount is undoubtedly one of the best things that has happened in the life of my son.

Tatiana Dimitriades – “As an alumna of Meadowmount, it brought me great pleasure to have my own daughter attend this past summer. Returning after all these years to visit her, I was struck by the fact that, except for the addition of a few more dorms and a wonderful new recital hall/rehearsal space, Meadowmount has virtually remained the same as it was when I was a student. The beauty and serenity of the Adirondacks were just as I had remembered. I was reminded of the school’s long tradition of excellence by all the photographs of great violinists and pedagogues lining the walls of the main house and the cafeteria. And, attending a student concert, my husband and I were so impressed with the high level of playing, the very supportive atmosphere, and the strong commitment of the faculty. How nice to know that in this computerized and fast-paced world of ours, there are still places where young people can find inspiration and fulfillment in the simple pleasures of working hard, making music, making friends, and feeling connected to nature.

Gaspare Dara – “Our son has attended Meadowmount for 3 summers and it has been a tremendous growth experience not only musically but also in maturity. When returning home he is able to face the challenges of the year ahead with confidence. The faculty is extremely dedicated to the students, passing on their knowledge and love of music to the musicians of tomorrow.

Maggie Pang – “As a participant of the Meadowmount piano program, I was able to elevate my artistry at the piano and chamber music to a higher level. Not only did I have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with many talented and hardworking musicians, but I also had the chance to intensively study with various members of the distinguished teaching faculty. There is no doubt that Meadowmount has made a significant impact on my growth as a musician.”

Drake Driscoll – “I have been to Meadowmount for a total of three summers, and I keep coming back! I started coming to Meadowmount the summer before my first year at Northwestern. I was initially drawn to the program because I wanted to have an intensive 7 weeks with my teacher, Hans Jensen, with no distractions! Meadowmount gave me just that and so much more. The chamber music program is incredible. You are given the opportunity to play some of the greatest works with talented peers (and sometimes faculty). The people you meet at Meadowmount are kind, dedicated, and will be your colleagues and friends for life. The student concerts are really inspiring. The faculty members are truly the best of the best and they give 100% of their time and energy to their students. I am beyond grateful for everything Meadowmount has given me. I always leave Meadowmount more inspired and excited about cello playing. Meadowmount has become my second home, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.”

Qian Yang – “My summer at Meadowmount was truly an invaluable experience. The level of playing was extremely high, and I was fortunate enough to work with two wonderful chamber partners on a daily basis. Over the past seven weeks, Meadowmount gave me the time and motivation to experiment with different approaches to piano playing. Thank you again for an awesome summer of music! “

William Shamma – “Seven weeks of summer spent in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York practicing every day might seem monotonous for some, but the Meadowmount School is far from that. Before attending Meadowmount for the first time, my musical world was unchanging; always in the same studio with the same teacher seeing the same students. Meadowmount opened the door to a world of music for me. Equally important, Meadowmount brought into my life some of my closest friends. Practicing, playing and socializing together every day fostered deep and warm friendships that could be built nowhere else. At the beginning of my first year at Meadowmount, I thought that it would perhaps be a one-time adventure! Instead I ended up repeating it three more times, and now I realize that Meadowmount will stay with me forever and my life will always be better because of it.”

Huali Dang – “For me, Meadowmount is a place like none other. Every time I leave, I feel very sad and I plan to come back. The two years I have been to Meadowmount have impacted me greatly. Last year, in my very first concert, I performed the entire Sibelius Violin Concerto. Later that year, I progressed to the final round in three international competitions, winning two first prizes and a third prize. My teacher – Professor Ribeiro – helped me immensely. He gave me a very well-rounded training, with many studio class and concert performance opportunities.
Most importantly, Meadowmount is a place of wonderful musical growth. Every day, I focused on my practicing. I will never forget the years I spent at Meadowmount.”

Choi Tung Yeung – “Meadowmount is a place where you can forget everything and just concentrate on music. I still remember the first time I went to Meadowmount, it was the summer right before I entered Juilliard for college. I was so amazed by all the talented people around me. The concerts were so inspiring and I learned so much from every concert. It is a very good opportunity to meet people; I made so many wonderful friends at Meadowmount and even met my best friend there! Going to Meadowmount is definitely a life changing experience.”

Karin Helene Slåttebrekk – “This summer at Meadowmount was without doubt the most productive summer in my life. The combination of great teaching, incredibly talented fellow students and lots of time to practice make Meadowmount a very good place to develop as a musician, both in solo and chamber music repertoire.”

Ilan Kurtser – “Meadowmount is the closest place to magic in our world. After an inspiring seven weeks of hard work, my improvement was above all expectations. As Mr. Larsen says: ‘You can accomplish here what you would accomplish in a year at home.’ One of the main reasons is the legacy of seventy two magnificent years you feel from the very first step on campus by literally walking on the path that all those great musicians who came here walked on. So when you participate in Meadowmount, you know you are on the right track. Besides that, there are three things that make Meadowmount great which are: fantastic and highly demanding teachers, friendly and inspiring students and the beautiful and pastoral nature of the Adirondack mountains. All those things make Meadowmount the ideal place to accomplish great things!”

John-Henry Crawford – “I have to of course credit Meadowmount as being the place where my true cellistic and musical training began. There is truly no place like it, and without fail it allows me to reach higher and higher standards, which is why I keep returning every few years. I hear Perlman went for 8 summers, this will be my 7th (and counting!).

Isabelle Durrenberger – “Meadowmount is known for its traditionally disciplined regimen; however, I find this rigor is entwined with a passion and devotion to a truly higher level of art. This combination creates a completely focused and inspiring atmosphere. The esteemed Meadowmount faculty drive their students to improve immensely as both solo and chamber musicians. But Meadowmount isn’t just another summer music camp; it becomes home for seven weeks. The immersed musical environment, the breathtaking mountain scenery, the music drifting from cabins along the path, the lifelong friendships formed — these are the reasons I long for my summers at Meadowmount.

Paolo Dara – “After attending Meadowmount for three summers, it has become quite apparent how great an institution it is. Every summer when returning home after seven weeks of intensive chamber music and solo training with the esteemed faculty, my teacher is blown away by the progress I made. An environment with like-minded people, first-rate performances, and picturesque scenery makes Meadowmount an extremely inspirational place to be. Both of my private teachers are Meadowmount alumni, and are astounded with my progress each time I come back. There is a reason Meadowmount has been around for 72 years.

Kiara Saito-Beckman – “Meadowmount is truly the most extraordinary place. For seven weeks each year, this school exists to help young musicians flourish through rigorous daily practice. It is the most inspiring experience a dedicated musician could wish for.

Luiz Venturelli – “Meadowmount is the place where I feel at home. I wish I could spend my whole year there. It’s a unique opportunity to meet great people, students and teachers. I made friendships that I’m sure will last forever and learned amazing things for my instrument and my life. All the guidance, support and hard hours of practice gave me an even better result than I expected. I can only thank Meadowmount for the perfect life I had there. Meadowmount is the perfect place to grow up as a musician and a human being.

Ericcson Hatfield – “The degree of professionalism, artistry, discipline and talent is unparalleled. Student performances beyond that of professionals in skill and artistry were given three nights a week. It seems unbelievable when reading it in ink, it is truly something that must be seen to be believed. Looking back, I believe I made more than a month’s worth of progress each week while I was at Meadowmount. I have gained a profound sense of artistry, a deeper understanding of violin technique and have become part of a close community of musicians. The music world is small, and it will be a great privilege to personally know my dorm mates when they go on to be world renowned soloists and orchestral musicians. Meadowmount is truly a magical oasis for musicians looking to make a profound effect in their musical lives.

Earl Carlyss and Ann Schein
Former violinist of Juilliard Quartet; Concert Pianist
“It was a joy to be with all of the amazing students at Meadowmount during the summer of 2017. We both continue to marvel at the high level of artistry and instrumental brilliance in both individual groups and performances. We wish everyone at our beloved Meadowmount the very best for the coming year and continuing success in the musical journey ahead.”

Ida Kavafian
Violinist with the Chamber Music Society at Lincoln Center, Faculty at Curtis Institute and Juilliard School
“Dear 2017 Meadowmount Students, I was delighted to be with you and back at Meadowmount after so many years away. It was so special to see that some things have not changed at all and yet other things have changed a lot, and for the better. The wonderful level of playing and the stimulating exchanges we had together will stay with me for a long time. Stepping into Mr. G’s studio gave me the same chills I had as a 16 year old! Being in the concert hall again took me back to one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had, a recital by the incomparable Michael Rabin. Yes, there is a lot of history at that place, and now all of you are part of that history. I wish you all the very, very best in your musical lives. Follow your heart and your passion, and combine it with the fiercest integrity you possibly can!”

Steven Tenenbom
Violist of the Prion String Quartet, Faculty at the Curtis Institute
“Great students and a wonderful atmosphere of artistry!”

Ivan Chan
Violin and Chamber Music Faculty at Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts
“I think of Meadowmount every time I see my three students, which is pretty much daily. You have made such a positive impact on them in every way! My deepest gratitude to you all!”

David Geber
Cello and Chamber Music Faculty at Manhattan School of Music
“In 2016, I paid my first visit to Meadowmount School of Music and the memories from that experience are indelible.  The rich history of this venerable training ground for strings and piano is very much evident.  Current-day young artists at Meadowmount are as dedicated as ever to developing technical security and expanding musical literacy. In the cello and chamber music classes I gave and the concerts I attended, I was impressed by a high performance level as well as the sincerity, focus and receptivity of the students.  Meadowmount sets a standard for accelerated musical growth along with a nurturing but rigorous learning environment.”

Earl Carlyss
Meadowmount Alum 1958-1962, former violinist of Juilliard Quartet
“To the Marvelous Students at Meadowmount,
It was a thrilling, nostalgic experience to return to Meadowmount after so many years and to work with such extraordinarily talented musicians. It brought back so many memories of the beautiful time I had there as a student.
The positive, upbeat, joyous, but hard-working atmosphere created by Mr. Galamian many years ago has not diminished a bit. The remarkably high level of your playing and quality musicianship was a great inspiration to both my wife and me.
We wish you all a glorious future in superb music making!”

Ann Schein
Concert Pianist
“Dear Amazing Musicians at Meadowmount!
All the fabulous performances, classes and sessions we heard from you still resonate in our ears and hearts! Surely I am a very lucky pianist to be invited to join you this summer…and to share in teaching with Earl at Meadowmount, a revered place where he received such life-changing musical insights and inspiration from both Galamian and Gingold over fifty years ago!
We thank you and we wish you all continued success as you pursue your life in music!”

Tom Vignieri
Music Producer/Director “From the Top” Radio Show
“For live auditions, the simple math has Meadowmount attracting a higher concentration of qualified kids than pretty much anywhere else we go. That’s saying something.”

“Dear Meadowmount,
As you know, we tape radio shows about kids and classical music around the country (and now around the world). But what you do here at Meadowmount inspires us more than anything! Thanks for your fabulous music making and for your wonderful generosity of spirit. To put it in contemporary parlance, you’re like a boss! FTW!
Love and thanks, Tom and Erin”

William van der Sloot
Mount Royal University, Calgary
“To the students of Meadowmount:
Congratulations to each of you on your achievements and best wishes for a fantastic summer at Meadowmount. I hope you learning is transformational and that your new friendships last a lifetime! Be Curious!!”

Tong Wei Dong
Head of Violin Area, Central Conservatory, Beijing
“To the Teachers and Students of the Meadowmount School of Music:
It is always my great pleasure to be coming to Meadowmount each summer. Although the time is brief, seeing the highest level of performance and pedagogy from the teachers and students has filled me with unparalleled excitement. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the Director, Mr. Eric Larsen, and every member of the hardworking faculty. Best wishes to everyone in work and study!”

Joseph Silverstein
Concert Artist, Conductor
“Dear Colleagues,
I was able to drive home without stopping to refuel because of the energy that you gave to me during rehearsals and concert!
Your cooperation, dedication and good humor created an experience that I will treasure.
I can only hope that your life in the world of music will provide you with the rewards that this veteran fiddler has enjoyed during his career.
I send you my warmest greetings and wish you all beautiful tone, perfect intonation and great interpretations.”

James Ehnes
Concert Artist
“It has been such a pleasure being here among you all! I have so many wonderful Meadowmount memories from years past, and it was a treat for me to add some more this past week.
I want to give special thanks to my five wonderful colleagues from the Tchaikovsky ‘Souvenir’ performance. It was a pleasure working with you and I wish you all the very best for the future.
Have a wonderful final week and I hope to see many of you along the road in years to come.”

Daniel Morganstern
Former Solo Cellist, Chicago Lyric Opera
“Dear Meadowmounters,
These ten days have been enormously inspiring to me. I was fortunate to be able to hear so many of you in the chamber music playoffs and was greatly impressed by the high level of music making.
The great performances and master classes of James Ehnes, Joseph Silverstein and Lynn Harrell brought back memories of my days at Meadowmount when Isaac Stern and Zino Francescati came to work with our generation of future artists. The world of classical music needs your talents to continue and I feel enormously encouraged that it will. Thank you and good luck to all of you and particularly your teachers for this wonderful week in my life.”

From Joseph Silverstein, Violinist and Conductor:
“My dear Colleagues,
May I thank you for the delightful time that I have had at Meadowmount during these two visits! The level of playing, integrity and community spirit is truly extraordinary! You made me feel much younger and gave me new energy to pursue my great love of playing the violin and expressing music. I wish you all good luck in your studies. May curiosity never leave you!”

From Elizabeth Sobol, Decca Label Group’s President and CEO; former Senior VP, IMG Artists, NY:
“Thank you, students of Meadowmount for your talent, your passion and your inspiration. You are our future! Remember: “ONLY CONNECT!”
‘Til next time.”