Meadowmount School of Music Meadowmount School of Music Meadowmount School of Music

Employment at Meadowmount

Meadowmount School of Music has been America’s most respected and beloved summer home for rising generations of violinists, violists, and cellists

Summer 2025 Positions

Meadowmount invites applications and expressions of interested for the following opportunities for Summer 2025.

Health Director / Head Nurse

Assistant Nurse (part-time)

Kitchen Staff

Housekeeping Staff

Laundry Staff

Employment is contingent upon the results of a background check. Parents of students are welcome to apply for any seasonal position in exchange for full or partial program tuition. Meadowmount School of Music is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please direct questions to

Year-Round Positions

There are no year-round positions open.

Applications for Summer Employment

Employment Contact:

Meadowmount School of Music
1424 County Route 10
Westport, New York 12993 USA
(518) 962-2400